SWOT analysis

DRB Research offers SWOT Analysis in Poland. SWOT analysis is one of the most popular methods of strategic analysis of an organization, which is an integrated method that connects the organization’s environment with its interior, and confronts them with the external environment. The SWOT analysis includes the diagnosis of the company’s situation in four areas:

Strengths – these are the resources and skills that will allow the company to take advantage of a favorable position on the market, give an advantage over competitors. You should look after them and keep them in the future. Examples of strengths are: high employee qualifications, good work organization, company’s reputation, financial resources, etc.

Weaknesses – these are the factors that limit the efficiency of the company, hamper its development. They can weaken strengths if they are not overcome in time. Examples of weaknesses are: overstaffing, poor product quality, low competences, bad reputation, etc.;

Opportunities – these are positive phenomena and tendencies in the environment of the organization, which if properly used by it, support its development or reduce threats. Examples of opportunities: opening a new market, increasing demand, new customer group, etc.

Threats – these are phenomena perceived as negative for the company, all barriers and obstacles that will inhibit its development. They will have a negative impact if you do not take appropriate remedial measures. Examples of threats may include: new competitors, crisis, loss of an important client, etc. Although most methods and management techniques are out of service and are replaced with new solutions, the SWOT analysis has lost nothing of its popularity after more than half a century. This is because it can be used in every situation, flexibly adapts to the specifics of each organization. Our qualified team of employees will help you in choosing the test method.

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